Our Company Profile
AJK Engineers (Pvt.) Ltd. (formerly AJK Enterprises) was established in 2004 as a leading company of Professionals having rich experience in providing expert services as follows
- Geotechnical Investigation;
- Geophysical Survey including Seismic Refraction, Downhole Seismic Survey and Electrical Resistivity Survey;
- Topographic Survey;
- Piling Works;
- Grouting and Anchoring Works;
- Pile / Plate Load Tests;
- Civil Works Construction;
- Concrete Coring Works;
- Non-Destructive Testing including Digital Schmidt Hammer Test and Ferro-Scanning using state of the art equipment from M/s Proceq, Switzerland.

In addition to above, we also advise on static and dynamic soil/design parameters. We also advise on slope stability, design of foundations (shallow or deep) and pavements, analysis and design of dams, Cost Estimates, documentation including Feasibility Reports, Geotechnical Investigation Reports, Technical & Financial Proposals.
AJK – Forensic Engineering Department is involved in analysis of a project, site conditions, or construction from Geotechnical standpoint. Common issues that may arise from a forensic Geotechnical analysis can help include:
Expansive Soils; Collapsible Soils; Settlement of Shallow and Deep Compacted Fill Soils; Moisture Intrusion Below Slabs; Soil Corrosion; Sulphate Exposure; Site Runoff and Drainage; Roadway and Parking Area Pavement Failures; Slope Stability Failures; Foundation Failures; Excavation Failures; Site Quantity Analysis; Differing Site Condition Disputes; Underground Pipeline Failures.
We assure precise, accurate and reliable tests in the field of Geotechnical Engineering, with minimal time frame. Commitment, Quality, Precision and Accuracy is the hallmark of AJK Engineers (Pvt.) Ltd.