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Plate load test is a field test, which is performed to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of soil and the probable settlement under a given load. This test is very popular for selection and design of shallow foundation.
For performing this test, the plate is placed at the desired depth, then the load is applied gradually and the settlement for each increment of load is recorded. At one point a settlement occurs at a rapid rate, the total load up to that point is calculated and divided by the area of the plate to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of soil at that depth. The ultimate bearing capacity is then divided by a safety factor (typically 2.5~3) to determine the safe bearing capacity
The following equipment is required to perform the test:
- Test plate
- Hydraulic jack & pump
- Reaction beam or reaction truss
- Dial gauges
- Pressure gauge
- Loading columns
- Necessary equipment for loading platform.
- Tripod, Plumb bob, spirit level etc.
AJK Engineers (Pvt.) Ltd. has experienced professionals with advanced equipment to carry out plate load tests up to 100 tons and more