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3rd Floor, 72-West, Blue Area, Islamabad,
G-5, Al-Hafeez View, Sir Syed Road, Gulberg-III, Lahore.

Islamabad Expressway,

    • Bridges & Underpasses, Piling Projects
    • Islamabad Expressway,
    • 2017

DHA Islamabad-Rawalpindi Phase VI (Ex Phase – II Ext) has launched in March 2005 and is spread over an area of 55,000 kanals (estimated). After re-designing of masterplan incorporating Overseas Sector, DHA Valley and DHA Expressway, the contract for development of Phase VI (Ex Phase – II Ext) has been concluded and development work is underway.
DHA Islamabad-Rawalpindi has made another exceptional move towards the development of its phases according to modern infrastructure and design. The masterplan is designed by world-renowned Town Planning company ‘OJRM’ Los Angeles, USA.

Since 25th June, 09 DHA Islamabad-Rawalpindi has mobilized massive equipment and resources worth 4.5 billion rupees to complete development of Phase VI (Ex Phase – II Ext). DHA Islamabad-Rawalpindi has established onsite project offices to supervise and ensured development on a fast track program. According to new design, Phase VI (Ex Phase – II Ext) has been divided into four sectors (A, B, C, D) and existing allotments will be adjusted in these sectors through a re-ballot. Each sector has its unique significance and has been designed in conformance with the international standards.

The project is being connected to Islamabad Highway by a six lane DHA Expressway which spans through the major phases of DHA Islamabad-Rawalpindi making fast and secure access to city centres in twin cities.